Come West Along the Road Set
I walked along the concrete path on the east side of the lake. A rock that had stuck in the tread of my boot made a clicking sound on the pavement with every other step, and I stopped to pry it loose.
The sun shone on the water and the lake. It was one of the first hot days of the year. Two turtles in the lake had climbed out of the water to warm themselves, one onto a rock, the other onto a log. Others floated and paddled slowly, as you’d expect from the proverbial turtle, just below the greenish surface, popping their noses and eyes out of the water like small submarine periscopes. The geese and swans swam among them and sometimes poked at the turtles with their beaks. The turtles again dipped below the surface, and the geese and swans swam on.
I shot video for an hour and a half before returning to my car, parked on the street outside the Massapequa Preserve.